ocr: 38:Holo-ganes Reading tine: EH02:18 The mon behind the first Holo-ganes Holo-gome Time Troveller is 37 yeors old Rick Dyer. His coreer storted By: Oxide/5onic when he wOs only 16 yeors old boy. 1978 he WOs develo- ping Mottel History: Intellivision - Videogames, but soon he formed his own reseorch and Everyone con Still remember devopement company. Dragon's Loir those old Don Bluth's coin-ups that isn't the first fomous game he did. were the very first games using His company is behind old games like Loser technic. Dragon 1's Lain is Pac-Mon, dolaxions, Stor Gate and still the most Widely sold ...